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Launching a successful Digital Business Unit in 180 Days

Wei-Ling Chiu

Gaberone City

We live in a hyper connected world. This is an irrefutable trend of our times. In a hyper connected world, the rate at which markets are achieving saturation is at its highest. This is the second trend of our times. Consider that just about anyone in urban southern Africa who can afford fiber connectivity, already has some kind of fiber service. If they do not have fiber, they have really good 5G or 4G services. Those who can shop online already do, and they’re ordering anything from food and groceries to medicine and more.In such a fast-changing world, how can a service provider keep up?

The status quo for a business usually involves maintaining existing services and competing for customers. This is enough to exhaust a team’s capacity and creativity. It is not just the technology that needs to be kept up with, but also the capability to design, develop and commercialize services.

Anyone with domain knowledge of that next Business Unit you are hoping to launch is already employed by a competitor or a multinational. An executive is unable to poach an expert without justifying the return on investment. Sound like a catch-22?

Not exactly! This is where a third trend comes into play. Between 2020 and 2021, 40% (1) of all experienced ‘knowledge workers’ have considered leaving their jobs. Not to retire. Rather, they plan to either jump into the next gig, build their own startup, or start a consulting business offering their expertise. These people have realized that if they want to stay relevant throughout their careers, they need to take their expertise into their own hands. So they team up with others, establish niches and compete for opportunities, shoulder to shoulder with large multinational corporations.

There is also the 10% of professionals (2) who had the foresight to leave their hard earned corporate titles for a career in ‘problem busting’. Several years later, this 10% now has expertise in 5X more domains in 3X more industries than their colleagues who held on to corporate positions.

The result is a group of people with advanced experience in building new business units for some of Africa's most successful ICT companies, but with a track record of transformational projects in the areas of:

  • Cloud, IoT and Artificial Intelligence

  • Banking

  • E-Commerce

  • Infrastructure

  • Sustainability

In countries ranging from Botswana to Nigeria we have been practising our subject matter expertise in:

  • Digital transformation

  • Business architecture

  • Product innovation

  • Strategic Marketing

  • Early adoption

  • ICT Infrastructure design and development

  • Organizational development

With our methods of running innovation, implementation and launch, we are executing projects in these domains in 180 days or less. Senior executives with limited time to deliver on ambitious goals don’t need to pay the school fees and learn from scratch when there are specialists with practical experience to lean on.

With a century of collective experience in providing breakthrough business solutions for leading companies, Digalance understands what scaling businesses need for future success: digital platforms for improved efficiencies and customer engagement, vigilance against new kinds of threats, diligence in management practices, and alliances that strengthen market position.

BeBold are your path finding experts. When there is a vision for a better future, but there is ambiguity on how to achieve it, you need a partner with the experience to explore the unknown landscapes, build insight, develop a map and walk this journey with you. BeBold works with corporates and entrepreneurs to achieve their vision together. We are an advanced B2B client engagement and innovation practices business serving corporates and entrepreneurs.

The Founders of Digalance and BeBold have developed and taken to market business units, product portfolios and platforms for some of the largest service providers in Africa:

  • UBA

  • Vodacom

  • ABSA

  • MTN

  • Mobileum

  • BCX

  • DFA

Get in touch to find out how Digalance and BeBold can collaborate on solutions to secure the future growth of your business.


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